Toronto Here We Come

Next week my compatriot in rock, Jim Wilbur and I will head north to play a somewhat non-rock show at a special advance screening of Matt Bissonnette's new film Passenger Side. The show will be us on acoustic guitars playing Superchunk and Portastatic songs, and maybe some covers thrown in for good measure. Matt directed Looking for Leonard and Who Loves the Sun, both of which i scored... but for this film almost all of the music is playing on a car tape deck as the main characters take a circuitous road trip, and i helped Matt come up with the playlist, which was fun and hardly what i'd call a job. Plus the movie is great. This event goes down at the fancy-looking Royal Theatre in Toronto next Wed, April 7. First they show the movie, then we talk about the movie, then we play some songs! Everybody wins, i think...
My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything
Four Tet - There Is Love In You
DOA - Bloodied but Unbowed
Jay Reatard - Watch Me Fall
Shugo Tokumaru - Port Entropy
Titus Andronicus - The Monitor