Transfigured Time at Westobou Festival

My first visit to Augusta (though i met someone at the Superchunk Atlanta show who was convinced we had played there 20 years ago; as far as i know we did not!) was a good one. The Westobou Festival is run by people who are genuinely enthusiastic about art and bringing it to their town, and the venue we played, Sacred Heart Cultural Center, was kind of insane. Built in 1898, fallen into disuse and de-sanctified by the late 80s, nearly destroyed but saved by a wealthy patron, it's a fairly stunning and great-sounding place to play music / see a performance. Our performance in particular went well, nerves and all considering it was our first live performance of the music.
We paired one new piece with each of the four Maya Deren films shown -- Meshes of the Afternoon, At Land, The Very Eye of Night, and Ritual in Transfigured Time. Having done it once now, there are some arrangements that i'd like to tweak and flesh out further, so hopefully we'll get to play this music again in the future...
Thanks to Kristen Beard, Seamus Kenney, Brian Paulson, Mark Simonsen, and Matt Vooris for playing, as well as Carl Purdy and Angela Rubendall, Augusta musicians who joined us on violin.
We unfortunately had no time for any James Brown landmark-seeing, mainly because we were busy getting lost in the winding hallways of the haunted inn we stayed at. Next time!
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