Defeating Amendment One
Hello intrepid blog-followers who still come see this blog occasionally!
I will be playing solo along with John Darnielle (Mtn Goats) and Greg Cartwright (Reigning Sound) at MotorCo in Durham on April 19th. Tara Defrancisco will also perform.
We are raising money to fight Amendment One, which is on the ballot May 8.
You can buy a ticket to attend, or pay more and have your request guaranteed to be played! Here's the link, hope to see you there:
UPDATE: last day to make your requests! see you tomorrow night at Motorco!
I will be playing solo along with John Darnielle (Mtn Goats) and Greg Cartwright (Reigning Sound) at MotorCo in Durham on April 19th. Tara Defrancisco will also perform.
We are raising money to fight Amendment One, which is on the ballot May 8.
You can buy a ticket to attend, or pay more and have your request guaranteed to be played! Here's the link, hope to see you there:
UPDATE: last day to make your requests! see you tomorrow night at Motorco!