Street Fair Fever

i didn't consume an ounce of funnel cake this weekend and somehow still powered through both rock shows, great weather all weekend and great bands to play are some setlists:
Denver Westword Music Showcase
Detroit Has a Skyline
Digging for Something
Seed Toss
Hello Hawk
Punch Me Harder
Art Class
Iron On
Nu Bruises
Learning to Surf
Driveway to Driveway
1st Part
Slack Motherfucker
Precision Auto
Chicago Taste of Randolph Street Fair
Detroit Has a Skyline
Digging For Something
Hello Hawk
Skip Steps 1&3
Art Class
Like a Fool
Low Branches
Iron On
Water Wings
Learned To Surf
Driveway to Driveway
The First Part
Slack Motherfucker
Hyper Enough
Throwing Things
great crowds in both cities, lots of kids too.
airplane listening:
Arcade Fire, Ella Fitzgerald 12 Nights in Hollywood (ridiculously good), Tangerine Dream, Destroyer.