Recommended Reading

when i was in college i had a job repairing architectural drawings in the basement of the architecture library at columbia. i sat at the big table in the dark tearing rice paper into tiny strips and listening to my walkman, often playing On Fire by Galaxie 500 over and over again. "Snowstorm"and "When Will You Come Home" killed me then and they kill me now. after Galaxie 500 broke up i didn't follow Luna as closely though Superchunk played a show at Vassar with Luna that was really good, or as good as an outdoor college show can be. Dean Wareham has written a book called Black Postcards about his time treading the boards in indie rock world and i read it on two plane flights, and i think it's great. lots of details that are especially great if you were also in that world at that time, an era in music that can not, for lots of reasons, happen again. all the crappy clubs, the long drives, the interband relationships, it inspires a combination of nostalgia and relief. plus it's drily funny and entertaining even if you never had to use the toilet at Club Le Jimmy in Bordeaux. after finishing it on the plane i was relieved to find that i had On Fire in my ipod.