Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Stormy Tuesday

man we have had a couple weeks of crazy storms blowing through the piedmont, and it's coming down right now.
two primaries seemingly in the books already tonight, just awaiting the differentials...in the player:

Jay Reatard - Blood Visions
Nick Lowe - The Impossible Bird
Matmos - Supreme Balloon
SM&Jicks - Real Emotional Trash
The Clientele - God Save the Clientele

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Well That Went Pretty Well

Obama crushes in NC by a margin (14 % pts) i hadn't allowed myself to imagine last night, and nearly takes Indiana as well -- a great night for the campaign though Hillary claims to be pressing on. Obama seems energized compared to the tired man (who can still give a great speech) we saw in Chapel Hill last week. The primary results are a great cap to a fantastic week of rock in our town...Destroyer, American Music Club, and then our two shows with Arcade Fire, the second of which (Carrboro, where we go to the farmers market) was especially rocking. A beautiful day, beautiful crowd, beautiful rock...beautiful primary result!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Carolina, Indiana: You're Up

re-cap of the shows with Arcade Fire last week later on, but for now, VOTE and make sure all your pals and relations do, too. bring these in for OBAMA!!