ok this weekend it wasn't nearly as crazy windy as it is outside today but the
Full Frame documentary film festival took over Durham this weekend. It was funny and cool to see a) lots of people in downtown Durham, not known for its crowds of people, and b) all those same people wearing laminates like we were at SXSW or something. tons of great films of course and i didn't have a pass or time to see more than a couple, but the ones we saw were excellent and with a three-year old at home seeing two movies in one weekend is like a film festival in itself.
Lian Lunson's
Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man reveals Cohen to be the loveable and wise misanthrope you'd hope him to be, and while some of the performances in the film were great (Rufus Wainwright, Antony and Jarvis in particular) i would have watched another couple hours of the Cohen interview footage.
Saturday went to a double feature of
A Son's Sacrifice and a hilarious & even moving documentary about the restaurant Le Cirque called
A Table In Heaven. both were sons-taking-over-the-family-business dramas set in wildly different arenas (Son's Sacrifice is about a storefront Halal slaughterhouse in Queens). After A Table In Heaven finished Sirio Maccioni and one of his 3 sons were there and did a Q & A with director Andrew Rossi, really fun. I've never been to Le Cirque and i don't especially want to eat there any more than i did before seeing the film, but it's a pretty fascinating story, kind of like the real version of that terrible "reality" show The Restaurant.
also entertaining this weekend,
playoff hockey!
in terms of who i actually care about, it's really down to reasoning like "i have friends in Nashville, it would be nice if they won" and "Superchunk had a good show in Calgary once" and "anyone but Buffalo" so i'm not terribly invested but it's still great to watch.