Music for Silent Equestrians, Freaks, & Armless Obsessives

look the Portastatic Unknown group exists in all it's many numbers! (L-R Matt McCaughan, Carrie Shull, yrs truly, Margaret White, Laura Thomas, Jim Wilbur, Jeb Bishop) and we'll be in Seattle tomorrow for the show at the Moore Theater on Friday night as part of the Seattle Film Festival, playing along with The Unknown. joining the group you see here will also be special guest TW Walsh on percussion and acoustic guitar; i believe TW's waiting by his mailbox for The Unknown to arrive from Netflix as i write.
ok gotta get ready to watch hockey, see you out west!
Does Jim ever yell "Too slow!" at Matt when he counts off a song?
My wife, brother and I saw this show last Friday. It was probably one of the best things I've seen all year, and definitely the highlight of SIFF for me.
I even rambled incoherently about it in my blog:
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