Thursday Surprise

first of all, i'm so out of whack apparently that yesterday i was under the impression that it was Thursday (note the title of yesterday's post). maybe i even convinced some unlucky blog reader that yesterday was Thursday, with the unfortunate effect of them then waking up today singing the theme song to TGIF, the Movie, only to discover that yes, it's still only Thursday. that probably didn't happen though.
anyway, my Thursday Surprise was discovering by casually hopping over to You Ain't No Picasso that there's an mp3 from the NEW YO LA TENGO album to listen to! i haven't even heard it yet but i can safely assume it will be great because well, that's what the new yo la tengo always is.
i hope that's really the cover of the new album, too.
UPDATE: just to confirm, upon listening, i do love the new YLT song. it's a tight little grooving number with some Augie Meyers organ jabbing, an excellent backup vocals arrangement and a funny dropped-in interlude in the middle. it's got a good beat and you can dance to it! only disappointment is that despite the title "Periodically Double or Triple" it's not about baseball. a minor gripe i will admit.
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