A Year Without Moog

a moment to think about electronic music pioneer Bob Moog, who died a year ago (Aug 21 '05 to be exact). what a mind, it's hard to really fathom how much of the music you kids today love was affected by stuff he invented. my trusty Moog Rogue has probably been on every Portastatic record (and most Superchunk records too) since i got it back around '92 or '93. same goes for the organ-tastic Opus 3... thanks, Bob!
still going strong, right here in NC: Moog Music
Oh yeah, no doubt. It's amazing to think about what he has done for the rock world electronically.
Here's hoping science someday lets us hear Bob Moog and Leon Theremin jamming in the afterworld.
hey mac! just found this blog, we have never met but the Chunk is one of my all time fav bands. I'm driving down from Delaware to the show next Friday. Should be amazing. Great blog!
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