Monday, July 20, 2009


XX Merge ain't the only music festival game in town this summer, and by town i mean North Carolina! yes we're gearing up here in the Triangle for this week, but a couple weeks down the road there's an awesome-looking festival happening up in the mountains, where it could be 10 degrees cooler than it will be everywhere else....Asheville is the home to the fabulous Harvest Records and their festival, Transfigurations, featuring Kurt Vile, Bonnie Prince Billy, The Books, and many more, should be amazing.


Blogger spatia3 said...

I would love to see you guys live, I'm bummed I missed the show at Seaport last month. Started listening to Superchunk in '94. Portastatic should come up to Geneva, NY (where it will be 20 degrees cooler than Asheville) and play at the Smith Opera House.. Then you guys can play "I'm in Love (With Arthur Dove)" in his hometown. They're trying to get enough cash together to get an Art Center launched in honor of him. They're only half way there.

Still blown away that you wrote a song about that, I'm a huge fan of his as well!

Cheers, J.J.

9:40 PM  

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