UPDATE! Loser AND a Liar

Bobby Jindal is the conservatives' next big hope? Yeesh. No matter how many time he says "Amayricans can do anything!" the guy does not project anything but douchebaggery.
He talks like Kenneth from 30 Rock except Kenneth wouldn't be embarrassed to talk about the exorcisms he participated in "back home."
UPDATE: turns out that the heart-pumping story that Jindal told about his post-Katrina, anti-bureaucrat heroism wasn't, eh, true...Talking Points Memo has the details.
It's a totally superficial move, eh? Trying to rally the conservatives with the "we can actually find a non-White non-old-as-most-rocks candidate too!!!" technique. I wonder if I can be called racist for saying that...
As a staunch liberal, I sincerely hope Jindal and Palin are the future of the Republican Party.
yeah bring on that Jindal magic....
m. Did you see this from the av club? http://www.avclub.com/articles/bobby-jindal-comes-from-a-distant-land-and-one-tim,24337/ Even Fox News couldn't get it up for him. -jared
jindal is a clown, for sure, but i love your reference to 30 rock. with no cable (and no plans to get it), i can hands down say that this is the best show on television. of course, the office is great too. i mean, let's talk about what's really important here.
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