The Week In Rock

what a couple weeks of music...Caetano was goofy, beautiful, and great & played a funny guitar that only he could get away with. but the heavy hitters came along this week:
Monday we were in DC for Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, and while Backstreets has the setlist and review, i'll just say that after seeing Bruce a few times now, this was maybe the most energized and flat-out rocking that i've seen him. The band was on fire, with highlights for me being Jackson Cage, Ties That Bind, Gypsy Biker, She's the One and Thunder Road. I've seen Thunder Road done as a rote hit that Bruce and the band seem like they're trying to get through it, but Bruce actually stepped away from the mic for everyone to sing along with the "show a little faith" lines, and cheesy as those moments may sound, it seemed genuine and just fun. No "rarities" to speak of, but when the E Street Band is killing it, it really doesn't matter what the setlist is. Hoping for some Carolina action in the Spring...
Last night in the considerably more intimate BYO environs of the Duke Coffeehouse we had the pleasure of a visit from David Kilgour and the Heavy 8's, plus a fine opening set from Gorky's frontman Euros Child. Superchunk was supposed to do a tour with Gorky's Zygotic Mynci back in 2001, but Gorky's pulled out after 9/11 so i'd never seen him live and his trio is great. Kilgour, of course, is operating on his own plane as usual and sounded awesome in voice and guitar, and the first time i'd seen him with these Heavy 8's. Someone remarked to me at the end of one gem featuring another Kilgour perfect guitar solo "that song could have gone on for an hour and it would have been fine with me"...i second that for most all of his songs. Amazing.
Mac, thanks for another post that both:
- Inspired me to give more time to an artist I hadn't spent much time with.
- Inspired me to wonder "how the heck does this newish dad get out to see so much great live music?!
Wow - so jealous you got to see Bruce. I keep hearing Gypsy Biker is amazing live, though it didn't really jump off the album for me, but if the boys come to Denver (please please please) hopefully I'll get the chance to see it.
Springsteen just announced spring tour dates.
Charlotte AND Greensboro but no Denver? What a rip. Portastic should come out here to make up for it.....
How can I get on your mailing list to see you perform in NYC? Thanks!
Springsteen/Greensboro info here:
woo hoo!
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